Update of 22 April 2000

I fixed the problems which occured using Netscape. Now, everything should work fine, except the mail (should be ready soon, though). I added a Flash file on the jpop page (the one which never worked on my old site, hope it’s not the same with this one). On the cover page, you can now use the right click to get a new menu. This feature is unfortunatly not working with Netscape 4.7 or below, but only with IE5 (DHTML dakara). But, there is still a small problem with layers i.e. the menu is always under all the other layers on the page (?!?).

I am about to go to Nagasaki for a one-week vacation. I’ll maybe take time to think of new updates. I can’t help wanting to add new things.

Some pictures of Sumo and Yokohama Chinatown.